STEM Research Leader Support

  • Build

    Commercialise your output by building a product or service.

  • Measure

    Enter your product or service into the market through iterative testing.

  • Impact

    Quantify economic, social, and environmental impact.

£150,000 Match Funding to Successful Spinouts

Helping Research Leaders Create Impact

Welcome to the Research Leader Support programme, where we are dedicated to empowering research leaders in maximizing the impact of their work. Our  program offers a comprehensive suite of services aimed at facilitating the transition of academic research into tangible commercial avenues.

Our programme was created to help research leaders in building strong economic, social, and environmental impact. Our structured approach helps transform research outputs into market-ready products and services, with a focus on developing functional business models tailored to individual research demands.

Ideal for research leaders who are about to start a new bid, our program offers a pathway to impact that is both efficient and effective. With our guidance, researchers can seamlessly navigate the pathway to impact by leveraging the CBIT Venture Builder to secure engagement, research, and implementation.

Embedded Transformation

Our team works with you to provide tailored strategic support and implementation assistance.

Our Research Partners & Collaborators

Research Leader Support

The CBIT Research Leader Support programme is designed to develop commercial avenues that maximise impact.

  • Demonstrate Pathway to Impact

    Before your next bid, leverage CBIT Venture Builder to secure your pathway to impact. Create a common means to engage, research, and implement.

  • Transform Output Into Product/Services

    Transition from academia into the commercial market using our expertise and structured approach to efficiently translate innovative research into market-ready products.

  • Develop Functional Business Models

    Develop functional business models tailored to the unique demands of your research outputs and streamline theoretical into practical.

  • Pinpoint Product Market Fit

    We meticulously analyse market demands, enabling the precise identification of product-market fit through iterative prototyping and customer feedback loops.

  • Quantify Impact

    Transform your output into outcome by quantifying impact and measuring results like early stage traction, revenue, jobs created, etc.

  • Access Future Leader Network

    Gain access to our portfolio of businesses, including our current venture builder cohorts and our growing community of over 1500 entrepreneurs and innovators from across the UK.

STEM Matching Journey

Whether you are a research leader or STEM Founder, our competency matching option can be leveraged to bridge the gap between academia and commercial markets by matching new research and innovation with businesses in need.

Stage 1:

Due Diligence & Competency Mapping

Our first step will be to analyse your innovation and competencies, allowing us to build a comprehensive profile that we can use to leverage against business needs in our AI matching algorithm.

Stag 2:

AI Competency Matching

Next, we will utilize our AI to cross-reference your profile against our live business database, performing one-to-many competency and needs matching that identifies businesses who are actively looking for your innovation and skillset.

Stage 3:

Joint Venture Workshops

This stage is focused on creating the initial connections and ensuring both parties are happy to move forward with a joint venture. This would also include industry or skills based workshops to ensure a smooth transition.

Stage 4:

Venture Building & Investment Readiness

Once a joint venture is confirmed, you will be admitted to our 6-12 month venture builder programme, where we will work 1-on-1 to implement your innovation and supply on-demand support for any issues that may arise.

Proof We Care

All we ask for is your time and dedication.

100 %
Profit Sharing
100 %

*Fees may be applicable for custom one-to-many symposiums and workshops.

we're here to help!

Our SME Builder and courses are 100% modular. Reach out for more information about your specific situation.

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Industries We've Worked In

  • Micro Mobility

  • Medical

  • Leisure & Tourism

  • Personal Care & Cosmetics

  • Artificial Intelligence

  • Agri-Tech

  • Smart Devices

  • Recycling

  • Battery

  • B2B Platforms

  • Virtual & Augmented Reality

  • High Value Manufacturing

  • Additive Manufacturing

  • Clean Technologies

  • Security

  • Food & Drink

Our VB Partners

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